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Welcome to Garden Hobbies, a great place for you and your plants........

Gardening News!!

Plant Problems.... For most  of us, our gardens are growing strong with a profusion of flowers, vegetables and fruits. However, when a problem occurs, panic understandably sets in. There's a frantic search for the cause and a quick fix. About Plant Problems and Diseases

Made in the Shade.... In the heat of July, there's nothing better than your favorite iced drink and a hammock in a shaded back yard. A shady yard doesn't mean a yard devoid of flowers and plants. It means carefully selecting and growing the right plants for a shady environment. Many plants thrive in low light conditions. Most popular among these are ferns and hostas. More on Shade Gardens.

Composting starts now.... and continues all season long. Correction: make that "all year" long. The best gardens are grown by gardeners who make their own compost. More on Composting.

Second Season Seeds - We use seeds all year long. Once the main crops have been planted, we all need seeds for succession planting, and later on, for cool weather, short maturity harvest.  Southern areas actually begin their second season in mid summer. Seed companies begin to run out of seeds just as your second season begins. Buy now, to make sure you have the seeds you need from now until the end of the growing season.

Read the Good Book.... There's plenty of good books on gardening. There's always something new to learn when you dig into a garden related books. There's also plenty of tips and learnings in our growing list of "how to" pages. So, make sure to surf our site and stop back often.

Homeowners love Arborvitae. Fast growing with little care, they are among the most popular of evergreens for both foundation plants and hedgerows. More on Arborvitaes.

July Garden Tips - from The Gardener's Network, where every day is a gardening day!

Celebrate your Garden Hobby

There are many days to celebrate.

Special gardening days in July:

July, First Sunday - Build a Scarecrow Day - for your garden, of course.

July 3 - Eat Beans Day

July 8 - National Blueberry Day

July 10 - Pick Blueberries Day

July 16 Fresh Spinach Day

See our complete list of Special Days.










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