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How to Grow Pansies
Annual Pansies are one the gardening world's most popular flowers. And it's no wonder. These early spring wonders are spectacular bloomers. Pansies are members of the violet family, and native to Europe. We're ever so grateful, that Europeans didn't keep Pansies to themselves. In early spring, Pansies burst into a huge array of bright and cheerful blooms, long before most other flowers. Best of all is the range of colors and bi-colors. There is a pansy color (or two, or three, or...) for everyone. Colors include almost all of the colors in the rainbow, including black and a variety of absolutely stunning blues. Perhaps best of all, popular Pansies easy to grow. That's why home gardeners and professionals allot generous amounts of garden and flowerbed space to pansies. They also look great in windowsill planters, and containers on patios and decks.
Plant Propagation: Pansy are grown from seeds. Pansy seeds can be directly seeded into your flower garden. However, we recommend an early indoor start to achieve the earliest blooms in the spring. Start indoor transplants six to eight weeks before the last frost in your area. Seeds germinate slowly, usually in 12 to 20 days.
How to Grow Pansies: Pansies like full to partial sun. The plants prefer cool to warm climates, and wilt in mid-summer heat. In the south, they are often grown in the winter, while the weather is cool. They tolerate a variety of soils. But, soil should be loose and hold moisture. The plants need plenty of moisture to fuel their fast growth. Add a general purpose fertilizer at planting time. Sow seeds early in the season ,and cover lightly with 1/8" soil. Water thoroughly once. Transplant Pansies into your garden after the last frost date for your area. Space them 6" apart. They will tolerate crowding. Planning your Pansy bed is important. A well laid out design looks stunning when in full bloom. Established should grow well, even with little care. Keep soil moist at all times. Add mulch to retain moisture. Pinch off spent blooms. This will encourage new flowers, and extend the blooming period.
Insect and Disease: Insect and disease problems are infrequent. Slugs are the most common problem. Use slug and snail pellets as needed. Aphids can be an occasional problem. Apply insecticides or fungicides only as needed.
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