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How to Grow Impatiens
Annuals and some Perennials Impatiens are one of the more popular plants for shade gardens, and indoors as houseplants. Many homeowners have Impatiens houseplants. Compact, versatile Impatien plants with glossy foliage, look great in the flowerbed, in containers, and in hanging baskets. Originating in Asia, North America and South Africa, there are a wide variety of Impatiens. Most home gardeners know Impatiens as small plants, growing less than 24". However, some varieties can grow several feet! Gardeners grow Impatiens as much for their attractive foliage, as they do for the profusion of flowers when in bloom. Attractive plants with thick stems and light green leaves, are cheerful indoors. You can take your pick of a wide variety of colors, including white, pink, red, lilac, rose, and salmon. Also called "Touch-Me-Not's" and "Snapweed", they are very popular as houseplants. Impatiens are fun to grow indoors. They are also very popular in hanging baskets.
Plant Propagation: Grow Impatiens from seed. We recommend an indoor start using a heated germination mat. Allow plants several weeks to grow before setting outside, or transplanting into pots or hanging baskets. Propagation can also be done by cuttings. Cut 3" - 4" stems, and immediately plant stems into a bed of moist sand, loam, or peat moss. Keep soil moist while rooting.
How to Grow Impatiens Plants: Grow Impatiens in partial to full shade. They prefer rich, loose, well draining soil. Water plants regularly. These plants are often grown grouped together. As a result, the plants can quickly absorb soil moisture, especially when grown in containers and hanging baskets. Add a general purpose fertilizer once a month. For containers, pots and baskets, use liquid fertilizer twice a month. Houseplant spikes work good. Most Impatiens grow 12-24" tall. In the garden, space plants 12-18 inches apart. Keep your plants looking neat and attractive. Remove any dead leaves and stems, along with spent blooms. This will help to minimize disease problems, too. Impatiens are susceptible to frost. Bring them indoors before Jack Frost visits your garden.
Insect and Disease: Aphids and mites can be a problem. Apply insecticides as needed. If disease problems occur, treat early with fungicide.
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