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How to Grow Celosia Flowers
Annual You've always wondered about the name of that big plumed flower resembling a Rooster's Comb. It's Celosia! Not surprisingly, this flower is also called Cockscomb. Some people refer to it as Woolflower, too. Now that you know the name (or names), you can plant this attractive flower as a border, or for edging your flower garden. Celosia colors include bright red, yellow, orange, crimson, rose, gold, bronze, and purple flowers. Flowers bloom in mid summer above attractive leaves. Different varieties grow from 10" up to 30". Celosia are used in vases and for bouquets, fresh or dried. Dry Celosia flowers in a cool, dry and dark place.
Plant Propagation: Celosia are grown from seeds. The seeds are very fine, and require warm soil to sprout. We recommend an indoor start using a heated germination mat. Start them 4-6 weeks before the last frost in your area. Seeds can also be sown directly into the garden. Sow seeds after the soil has warmed. Sow seeds early in the season and cover lightly with 1/8" of fine soil. You may want to sprinkle these seeds atop loose soil and water them in. Water thoroughly when planting. It's important to keep the soil moist for good germination.
How to Grow Celosia Plants: Grow Celosia plants in full sun. The plants prefer rich soil. Add liberal amounts of compost prior to planting. Keep the soil moist, not wet. Water the plants during dry periods, on a regular basis. Soil should drain well. Add a general purpose fertilizer once or twice a month during the growing season.. Space small varieties about 18" apart, and larger varieties 18"-24" apart. Smaller varieties will grow 10"-12". Larger types will grow up to 30". Pinch back early blooms. This will result in more branches, and therefore, more big, colorful plumes. Half hardy varieties will survive light frosts.
Insect and Disease: Celosia are somewhat resistant to insects and disease. Aphids eat the leaves and stem. At the first sign of problems, treat with insecticide, repellents, or fungicide as appropriate.
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