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How to Grow Candytuft Flowers
Annual and Perennials There are about 30 species of Candytuft. Some are annuals, while others are perennials. Annual varieties are hardy. Candytuft are native to southern Europe, North Africa and the western region of Asia. These low growing plants are at home in rock gardens, flowerbeds, and make good ground cover. They are at home growing in containers, too. Compact plants grow 10" to 16" tall. They produce dense clusters of fragrant flowers. Colors include white(most popular), pink, red, lavender, crimson, rose, and lavender. Interestingly, Candytuft are members of the mustard family.
Plant Propagation: Growing Candytuft plants is easy. They are grown from seed. They can be directly seeded into your flower garden, or seeded indoors for transplanting later. Direct sowing seeds outdoors should be done after the soil has begun to warm in the spring. Place transplants outdoors after the last frost date. Sow seeds early in the season and cover lightly with 1/8" of fine soil.
How to Grow Candytuft: Grow Candytuft in full sun or partial shade. Soil should be rich and well drained. They will do well in average or poor soils, and tolerate dry soil conditions. Water them during dry periods. Apply a multi purpose fertilizer, once a month. Space seeds or seedlings 8-10" apart. Perennial varieties should be mulched over winter to protect them from extreme cold. A spring pruning of perennials, results in lusher, healthier growth.
Insect and Disease: Insect and disease problems are infrequent. If insect or disease problems occur, treat early with insecticides, repellents, or fungicide.
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