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How to Grow Butterfly Flowers
Perennial The "Butterfly Flower" is a hardy, perennial flowering plant, native to prairies of North America. Sometimes called "Butterfly Weed", this plant produces brilliant orange or flowers, that resembles a butterfly. Flowers grow on narrow, hairy leaves. While Butterfly flowers are sometimes classified as a wildflower, as home gardeners we love to grow them in backyard flowerbeds. Butterfly Flower plants grow two to three feet high. Flowers bloom the second year ,during the summer. Flowers are followed by pointed seed pods. As its name suggests, the flowers attract butterflies. It also attracts bees.
Plant Propagation: Butterfly Flowers can be started from seed. Sow seeds directly into the flowerbed, as early as the ground can be worked. The plants can also be propagated by dividing the tuberous roots of established plants. Separate established plants every few years, to avoid overcrowding.
How to Grow Butterfly Flowers: Grow Butterfly Flowers in full sun to partial shade. When growing these beautiful plants in flower gardens, space 24" to 36" apart. Plant in fertile, well draining soil. These plants do not like wet soils. The tuberous roots can rot in wet soil. They are tolerant of dry soil conditions. They require water only during extended dry periods. Adding a little fertilizer a couple times a season, will reward you with bigger, healthier growing plants and flowers. Tuberous roots will spread, producing more plants. It's important to dig them up every 3-4 years and divide them. Otherwise, plants will be overcrowded, resulting in smaller plants and blooms.
Insect and Disease: Butterfly Flowers are are practically trouble free. If insect or disease problems occur, treat early with insecticides, repellents, or fungicide.
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