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How to Grow Alyssum Annual Flowers
Annuals In full summer's bloom, Alyssum plants flower so profusely, that you can hardly see the plant. These plants are small and easy to grow, perfect for beginners and for hard to grow areas. Alyssum fill in and around rock gardens, and are popular as edging for borders. Try growing them in containers, on your patio or deck.Their small size, make them good candidates for container gardens, too. Alyssum colors include white, pink, violet, purple and lavender. White is by far the most popular. Alyssum will begin to produce a continuous profusion of sweet smelling flowers by mid-summer.
Plant Propagation: Grow Alyssum from seed. They can be directly seeded into your flower garden, or seeded indoors for transplanting later. Direct sowing seeds outdoors should be done after the soil has begun to warm in the spring. Alyssum do not like frost. Place transplants outdoors after the last frost date. Sow seeds early in the season and cover lightly with soil. Water thoroughly.
How to Grow Alyssum: Alyssum grow well in full to partial sun. They will do well in average soils and tolerate dry soil conditions. Space plants eight to ten inches apart. They will tolerate a little crowding. Water them during dry periods, once or twice per week. Soil should drain well. For optimal plant growth and bloom, add a general purpose fertilizer once a month. Keep plants well weeded. Once your Alyssum are established, they will continue growing until the first frost. Alyssum are tender annuals and highly susceptible to frost.
Insect and Disease: Alyssum are seldom bothered by insects or disease. Plant disease can occur in wet, humid weather. Treat with insecticides and fungicide only if needed.
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